Monday, November 30, 2009

Helicoptor Parents

Parents all around the world and going crazy hovering over their childs every move. Giving them kneepads as a baby, putting 6 year olds on three feet leshes, moving with them down to college to keep an eye on them.
Parents need to take a step back and look at the monster they have become. Parents, it's ok. We don't need you every single minute of every day. I'm pretty sure that the parents of today had freedom to do a lot more than they give their kids today.
My parents are pretty good at letting me do my own thing. I am quite suprised sometimes that they do not give me strict rules. This makes me feel good because it lets me know that my parents trust me and in turn I would never do anything that would hurt or embarrase me or my family. My parents are the best!

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